Privacy Policy

Our Promise to You: Keeping Things Private and Simple

Hey there! Juan here, the guy behind Gadget Geeky.👋

Look, I get it. Privacy policies are usually about as fun as watching paint dry. But here’s the thing – your privacy matters to me. So I’m going to do my best to explain this stuff without putting you to sleep. Deal?

What’s the Deal with Your Info?

First off, I’m not some big tech company harvesting data like it’s going out of style. I’m just a guy who loves gadgets and wants to share that love with you. So when it comes to your information, I keep things pretty simple.

Here’s what I collect:

  1. Basic visit stuff: When you swing by Gadget Geeky, my website (let’s call it my digital living room) keeps track of things like what pages you look at. It’s kind of like knowing which chairs my guests sit in, but I don’t know who’s sitting where.
  2. If you sign up for emails: If you decide you want to hear more from me (awesome!), I’ll need your email address. I promise I won’t spam you or sell your email to anyone. Cross my heart.
  3. Comments: If you leave a comment (please do!), it’ll show up on the site with whatever name you give. Your email stays private though – I’m not about to unleash the spam bots on you.
  4. Cookies: No, not the chocolate chip kind (sadly). These are little bits of data that help the site remember you. They’re like digital Post-it notes, not creepy tracking devices.

What Do I Do With This Stuff?

Honestly? Not much. I use it to:

  • Figure out what kind of content you folks like (so I can make more of it)
  • Send you emails if you’ve signed up (and only if you’ve signed up)
  • Maybe get ideas for new posts from your comments

I’m not selling your data, using it for mind control, or anything shady like that. Promise.

Your Rights (Because You’re the Boss)

You’ve got rights when it comes to your info:

  • Want to know what I’ve got? Just ask.
  • Want me to forget you exist? Say the word, and poof! You’re gone from my records.
  • Changed your mind about those emails? No hard feelings – unsubscribe anytime.

If you want to exercise any of these rights, just drop me a line at [email protected]. I’m here to help!

Keeping Your Stuff Safe

I do my best to keep your information safe. I use secure connections, keep my software up to date, and I don’t leave my laptop at the coffee shop (learned that one the hard way).

But let’s be real – nothing online is 100% secure. I’m not Fort Knox. If some super hacker really wanted to break in, they probably could. But I promise to do everything I can to keep your info safe.

If Things Change

If I make any big changes to how I handle your info, I’ll let you know. I might send out an email, post an update on the site, or maybe hire a skywriter if I’m feeling fancy. (Okay, probably not the skywriter. But wouldn’t that be cool?)

Questions? Concerns? Just Want to Chat?

If you’ve got questions about any of this privacy stuff, or if you just want to geek out about the latest tech, I’m all ears. Shoot me an email at [email protected].

Look, I’m not a lawyer (shocking, I know). This policy might not be perfect, but it’s my honest attempt to be straight with you about how I handle your information.

Thanks for sticking with me through all this. You’re a trooper. As a reward, here’s my favorite tech joke: Why do programmers prefer dark mode? Because light attracts bugs!

Stay curious and keep your gadgets geeky, Juan